Even though social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, have been around for years, they represent new territory in the context of collecting data to set rates. Thus, there are few regulations that address them. This is likely to change, but the direction in which it does remains unclear.

 Will insurance companies be allowed to use photographs on your Facebook account to help determine your rates? Will they be able to "spy" on your accounts in the same way a private investigator photographs people suspected of disability insurance fraud?

These and other questions must be addressed as insurers continue to explore social networking sites to monitor their policyholders. It is likely that every province and territory will handle these issues differently.

There are a few obstacles for insurers that want to leverage social network sites. For example, it is difficult to identify a given policyholder as the owner of a Twitter or Facebook account. This is especially true for those with common names; there may be hundreds of people on these sites named "Mark Jones."


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